Exploring the Mathematics and Physics of the Universe


This year on the Curious Chronicles blog will be an exciting collaboration with the Clarity in Complexity newsletter to explore the mathematical and physical concepts used to describe the universe. Tracing the quest to understand the cosmos from ancient times to today, we’ll illuminate the evolution of scientific ideas that shape our comprehension.

The Curious Chronicles blog will focus on introducing basic concepts and big ideas related to the physics and mathematics of the universe. General perspectives on topics like classical mechanics, relativity, quantum physics, and cosmology will provide a solid foundation. The partner Clarity in Complexity newsletter will complement this with a “deep dive” into current research, summarizing specific theories, papers, and academic works.

While this year’s articles will concentrate on physics and mathematics, we plan to explore diverse scientific fields and concepts in our mission to elucidate the mysteries of the natural world. The physics/math focus establishes a helpful framework for unpacking complex topics across disciplines down the road. From the mid-100s to today, collaboration between the blog and newsletter will trace how our comprehension of the cosmos has grown through the scientific method.

Some of the foundational mathematical concepts we may survey include calculus, differential equations, and more. In physics, illuminating discoveries like Newtonian mechanics, Einstein’s relativity, and quantum physics show landmarks in our evolving grasp of cosmic phenomena. Understanding the origins and development of such ideas over centuries of study elucidates the painstaking process of discovery.


This dual-perspective collaboration promises an illuminating journey through the key physics and mathematics used to describe our universe over history. Please join us on the Curious Chronicles blog and Clarity in Complexity newsletter as we explore these fascinating scientific concepts and the quest to comprehend our cosmos.. 

Link  to Clarity in Complexity


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