In philosophy and ethics, there are not many words more difficult to define than "evil." Is it a continuum of behaviors that grow increasingly worse, or a boundary one crosses or doesn't? Not a mere semantic question—an answer tells us how we react to evil, structure legal codes, and even consider human nature itself. Two paradigmatic pictures strongly frame this debate, each carrying immense implications for how we conceptualize morality.
The Spectrum View: Evil as a Continuum
The first view argues that evil is on a continuum. Instead of separating good and evil actions in a stark manner, this view finds shades of harm and moral blameworthiness. In the eyes of this view, even smaller offenses—when not curbed—can gradually send individuals down the paths to larger atrocities.
It is a perspective that has much support in psychological research. Stanley Milgram's classic obedience experiments demonstrated how ordinary people could be convinced to administer what they believed were painful electrical shocks to strangers, simply because some authority figure instructed them to do so. Similarly, Philip Zimbardo's Stanford Prison Experiment demonstrated how quickly university students who were assigned the position of "guards" accepted sadistic behaviors against classmates who were assigned the position of "prisoners."
These studies demonstrate that situation, situational pressures, and gradual moral disengagement are all powerful determinants of behavior. It is rare for individuals to wake up one morning and suddenly decide to perpetrate atrocities. Rather, moral corruption occurs incrementally—small concessions to larger ones, each step making the next easier to rationalize.
Hannah Arendt's "banality of evil" hypothesis that she formulated in reporting on the trial of Nazi commander Adolf Eichmann also lends strength to this argument. Arendt noted that Eichmann was not made out to be a monster with a penchant for sadism but rather a bureaucrat who did not even take the time to think through the ethical aspects of his actions. His evil was less in active malevolence and more in thoughtlessness and conformity—traits that exist on a continuum and not a categorical state.
Defenders of the spectrum perspective maintain that acknowledgment of such gradations does not reduce culpability for extremist behavior. To the contrary, it allows us to intervene sooner since symptoms of moral breakdown are observed prior to irrevocable damage being done. Defining evil as a process, not a state, permits us to construct preventive policy and educational programs that foster moral resilience.
The Categorical Approach: Evil as a Moral Event Horizon
The second view characterizes evil not as a continuum but as a threshold category—a moral event horizon marked by intentional, unjustifiable acts that radically violate human dignity. On this account, while the processes toward evil may incrementally unfold, evil represents a qualitative leap, not an incremental quantitative expansion of harm. This model argues that situating evil on a continuum invited moral relativism. If all is a matter of degree, then the distinction between lesser evils and atrocities like genocide or torture is a matter of degree, not of kind. Such a relativism, the critics argue, diminishes the scope of the extreme acts by situating them within the category of the everyday wrongdoing.
The categorical stance is that there are some acts—systematic dehumanization, torture, genocide—that transcend context or situation. They are affronts to universal moral norms that demand unambiguous condemnation. International law reflects this viewpoint in prosecuting crimes against humanity as categorical evils, not as ends on a continuum of behavior.
Its proponents think categorical definitions preserve the existential gravity of evil. They provide moral "firewalls" that are immune to rationalization and normalization of incremental evil. This clarity also serves justice and prevention: crossing certain lines carries absolute responsibility regardless of the path that brought one there.
The categorical view points to moral exemplars in the past as evidence that evil is chosen rather than being an inevitable consequence of progressive corruption.
Examples like Sophie Scholl, who chose death rather than complicity with Nazi ideology, or Oskar Schindler, who risked everything to save Jews from the Holocaust, demonstrate the human capacity to reject evil tout court. Their courage, this perspective argues, represents an absolute position against wrongdoing, more than resistance to a "slide" along a continuum.
Assessing the Arguments: Which Position Is Stronger?
Each of the arguments is enlightening, yet which provides a more coherent and useful structure for understanding evil?
The spectrum approach is also more effective in explaining how ordinary people come to perpetrate horrific acts of cruelty. Its psychological basis is helpful in understanding the processes of moral disengagement that enable harm. Recognizing warning signs along this spectrum allows for early intervention.
But this approach is incompatible with boundaries. If evil is simply the polar end of a continuum with every day transgressions, where do we make meaningful distinctions? Without categorial boundaries, we are in danger of moral equivalence between radically different acts. The spectrum approach also has the potential to eliminate human agency through excessive focus on situational contingencies rather than moral choice.
The categorical approach gives moral clarity that accords with our intuitive feeling that certain acts belong to a category of their own gravity. The approach maintains responsibility by not dissolving the gravest evils in contextualization. The approach also respects victims by naming the peculiar horror of certain experiences instead of situating them on a continuum with lesser evils.
Yet the categorical approach is challenged by confronting the reported psychological steps toward evil. In emphasizing the boundary more than the path, it might overlook possibilities for prevention. And rigid categorical lines often have trouble with moral nuance in real-life circumstances where context really does make a difference.
Upon consideration, the most compelling framework is a revised categorical stance. The view permits that the mechanisms of evil develop piecemeal but holds fast to the fact that evil is a categorical difference. This construal preserves psychological and moral realism.
This is because it is simple to mix up process and definition. The fact that little evils can escalate to atrocities (a process such as a spectrum) does not imply that we must define evil as a spectrum. Instead, we could consider precursors as warning signs along the way to an inviolable boundary—noting continuity in the process but discontinuity in the endpoint.
This hybrid approach retains what is worthwhile in each paradigm. It retains moral judgment regarding radical actions while retaining the psychological understanding of why individuals end up doing them. It is open to contextual knowledge without descending into moral relativism.
Implications for Society and Personal Responsibility
This conception of evil has profound implications for the way we organize societies and think about individual responsibility. At the societal level, it implies the necessity for strong moral education that sensitizes people to early warning signs of moral deterioration. Knowing that the path to evil typically starts with what may appear to be minor compromises, we can construct interventions that enhance moral resilience prior to categoric thresholds being crossed.
Legal systems are advantaged by this sophisticated model in that they differentiate between the absolute repudiation of particular acts and also the mitigating circumstances which may reduce culpability in less extreme instances. This method preserves justice while also admitting complexity. At the individual level, this perspective encourages vigilance for incremental moral deterioration and clarity regarding behavior that can never be justified. It is a balance between recognition of human vulnerability to situational pressures and faith in our capacity for moral choice.
Conclusion: Beyond False Dichotomies
The argument that evil is on a continuum rather than a categorical boundary finally discloses the limitation of binary oppositional thinking. The more nuanced perception understands that although processes toward evil are on a continuum, there are some actions that are categorical breeches in human dignity which demand that we reach absolute moral certainty. This composite model accounts for the way in which normal individuals perpetrate extraordinary evils while being uncompromising regarding the standards of what evil is. It allows for psychological complexity without moral compromise. It makes possible prevention via early intervention while guaranteeing justice through absolute accountability.
By transcending false dichotomies, we reach a subtler understanding of evil that better serves justice and prevention. We discern the gradual pathways to moral catastrophe while maintaining clear boundaries that can never be breached. Such balance honors psychological reality and moral truth alike—acknowledging how evil happens while insisting on certain acts falling categorically apart. In a world plagued by recurring ethical crises, this model offers a path forward that is both psychologically plausible and morally defensible.
It warns us to be on the lookout for incremental concessions to more substantial ones while being firm on boundaries that respect human dignity. Most importantly, it affirms that even as we are vulnerable to moral decay, we can still make decisions guided by principle that are a reflection of our humanity.